Saito soma
Saito soma

saito soma

What kind of team do you think Shibuya Division’s Fling Posse is? Of course, I have a clear image of Yumeno Gentaro in mind, but I feel like discussing that here is a little tactless.” I think acting without thoroughly understanding the role, and instead having your character take the lead is a really interesting acting method. Even his MC name is “Phantom” with a character this intangible, as an actor, it’s hard to interpret him. Then in the beginning of Scenario Liar he said he’s born on a cold day in a snowy country far far away, and it just becomes “I knew it was a lie!” (laughs). First, his birthday on the profile is April 1st, so one would think “it’s absolutely a lie isn’t it!” (laughs).

saito soma

Scenario Liar started with “let me tell you about my past”, and finished up with a “well, but that’s all a lie” in the end it really is a confusing song. I got to sing the solo song “Scenario Liar,” and that song itself is written in a way that you can’t tell whether it’s the truth or a lie, so if you use it as a reference for Yumeno Gentaro’s character, his character settings start to collapse.” As the person behind Gentaro, is that how you pin down his ungraspable character ? With that being said, there are also many parts that are done by my own discretion (laughs).” I was just following the script truthfully and faithfully! From now on I might do even more voices, and I would be very glad if you’re aware that the change was instructed by the script (laughs). He was also saying that he was a princess in his past life, and I felt using a female voice there would be fitting. In the script, it wrote ‘Maro…’, so I thought it’d be nice to do a voice that sounds like a ‘Maro’(1). Changing my voice like that was not decided by me though. However after that I was told to just do whatever I want, so I was like ‘Yay!’ and improvised a lot. But at that time I was told not to improvise too much since it was still the very beginning, so I stopped myself from doing it too much. “Beginning from the drama track of Fling Posse -F.P.S.M.-, I’ve done a lot of ad-lib voice changes. Since he’s so ungraspable, how did you build up the character? Gentaro at times alternates between different first-person pronouns and voices. In actual freestyle, he might purposely say things to disrupt the flow of his opponents’ lyrics, basically jabbing at their true nature that’s why I think Gentaro’s style is tricky.” In the world of Hypnosis Mic, the lyrics that were sung through a hypnosis mic has to be nothing but your true thoughts, but in the case of Gentaro his opponents would still be confused by him like, “was that actually true though?”. So, when you first saw Yumeno Gentaro, which part of him did you find the coolest? For the Niconama, it was probably Samatoki-sama (he meant the VA Asanuma Shintaro-san) who randomly asked me to do a freestyle as part of the show, right? (laughs) At that time I didn’t know about this project yet, and to think that now I am actually rapping with Asanuma-san in the same production, I feel that it’s an amazing serendipity.” “Sometimes my friends and I would gather at their place, and rap freestyle together. I’ve seen you performing freestyle rap in other project’s Niconama before, but had you ever actually been rapping other than listening to it? Various people I’ve ran into told me that “Your rap is pretty solid, great job” these comments were made not as a fellow actor but as a listener, and that made me overjoyed.” “Personally I have always liked rap music, but I am very surprised and thankful that there’s such a huge response.

saito soma

What do you think about the current boom of popularity? His voice actor Saito Soma will tell us everything from his philosophy in rapping, to what happens behind the scenes during secret talks regarding recording! Shibuya Division’s trickster Yumeno Gentaro has a character difficult to grasp, and toys with people with his irregular rap. Please show Hypmic that international fans also contribute to the sales!! This article is from vol.

saito soma

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Saito soma